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Reusable nappy business born during lockdown

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

Babies and toddlers starting life as eco-friendly warriors, Lianne tells us why we should make laundry, not landfill.

Lianne is a Mum of one, handsome little boy called Harrison and is the owner of Green Cheeks. A reusable nappy company, driven by sustainability and it is clear she is very passionate about making a difference to the planet.

If your a cloth bum parent, or considering making the switch to have your baby in reusable nappies, it is worth checking out Green cheeks, you can find Lianne on socials as greencheeksclothnappies and I am proud to add her website link to my business associates page

She has new prints and styles are being added all of the time with a range of matching clothes and accessories.

What prompted you to start your business?

The ideas for green cheeks started to blossom during the first lockdown of 2020. Suddenly, myself and my partner lee were at home, both off work and worrying about our job security and what life might be life post covid-19. Plus, we suddenly had a lot of time on our hands, this time got me thinking about what I could do to help us. now, I’d used cloth nappies on Harrison from when he was around 8 weeks old and had found many things about the process and availability of products frustrating. so, I started researching how I could create my own line, I started talking to suppliers and ordering samples. tweaking designs. My goal with this line is to bring to market a product, which is sustainable, and affordable. but high performing too. I’m using a hemp blend with my nappies.

Why did you decide to work with Hemp Cloth Nappies? What do you love about it?

Well, when I was using cloth nappies for my son, I found almost everything out there was either microfibre or bamboo. I didn’t find either material quite did the trick for me. Microfibre would often leak as it doesn’t hold much liquid, and the bamboo versions only slightly better. I was having to create my own combinations. So, I decided for my line to use a hemp blend. Hemp is the most absorbent fabric available for cloth nappies. Plus, compared to some of its competition fabrics, it has many other benefits which include:

· Naturally anti-bacterial

· Doesn’t require pesticides to thrive

· Doesn’t require much water to grow

· Biodegradable yields

· Much more fibre per acre than others

When and how did you learn about cloth nappies?

During my pregnancy I knew I wanted to use reusable products for my son. I wanted his early impact on the world to be minimal. So, I opted first for reusable baby wipes, and once I’d got to grips with my new job as mummy we moved into nappies. It was a real case of trial and error, as I didn’t have the faintest idea what I was doing, nobody else I knew was on the same journey. But there are lots of lovely people online that helped me out.

How did you come up with your company name?

It came to me during a quick brainstorm. I wanted something that mentioned a bottom and reflected its eco-friendly nature. So green cheeks.

Your pieces are beautiful. Do you have a favourite and why?

I do have a favourite, I love the yo, ho, ho & a babies bum print. This one is also available with matching clothes. Although, of the new designs that will be here soon, hedge over heels has definitely taken the lead as a favourite with the customers.

What does running a small business mean to you?

Well, I actually lost my “real job” of 15 years in February 2021. So, I found myself very lost and worried, feeling like my whole world had collapsed. I have a mortgage and a young family to support. How was I going to cope, but like they say, every cloud has a silver lining and green cheeks is now allowing me the opportunity to stay at home with my son. So every time a fresh order pops up, or I see a picture you’ve taken of your family using my product, I do a little jump for joy.

What advice would you give someone starting a business?

If you have a business idea, one of the most important things is, how are you different? What will make people buy from you rather than more established competitors. If you’re just the same as everyone else, how will you stand out. If you can’t then maybe try a different idea.

What do you enjoy most about running your own business?

I absolutely adore seeing families using my products, when I get tagged in a photograph on Instagram of you little fluffy bum in a green cheeks nappy it makes me so happy! Plus, now I am working from home, I don’t need to pay someone else to care for my son. We’re together, although, saying that he’ll start nursery in September, I don’t know what I’ll do with myself then.

Tell me about your workspace. Do you have a dedicated space at home, a studio space or do you work anywhere around your home?

My workspace is the box room, small bedroom, I have a desk, a computer and many, many boxes on nappies. I’m soon going to need to find somewhere else to store them, with 1600 nappies on the way, I’ll be overcome in here!

What’s your favourite source of inspiration? What are the biggest inspirations for your work?

My inspiration comes from my father, he opened his own business the year I was born. So all my life I’ve seen this man working so hard for the industry he loved. He worked long hours and most days, but it was to provide the best life for me, my two sisters and mum. We have the best time! Seeing how hard he worked has always inspired me to do the same.

What are the most essential tools for your business?

A camera, a laptop and a sense of humour

Are there other ways you try to make your business environmentally friendly?

I’ll be adding more variations of products as I grow. reusable nappies, wipes and makeup pads are already in the line. but I’ll also be adding variations on nappy styles, wet/dry storage bags, reusable breast pads and more!

What are you looking forward to the most in 2021?

This year on a business level, I’m looking forward to continuing to grow. To chatting to and helping families get started with reusable products for their little ones. On a personal level, I’d love to get away for a little holiday!

I had the pleasure of photographing Green Cheeks Nappies. The quality and service has been exceptional. Being a first time reusable nappy user, I had lots of questions and Lianne provided me with an abundance of help, from online chat to go to help videos. The nappies and Hemp inserts are very absorbent, easy to wash and dry, and my 10 month old and very active 2 year old hasn't had any leaks, which happened regularly in disposable nappies. The biggest noticeable change has been the huge reduction in weekly rubbish, it reassuring to know we are now making a difference. We cant wait to see the new range and placing an order. Are you converted yet?


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