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Only 1 in 2 South Wales Newborn Photographers are qualified in Newborn safety

Updated: Jun 21, 2022

Mum of three and professional South Wales newborn Photographer tells you why you should be booking a professional specialist newborn photographer who is qualified to pose your newborn safely.

Your newborn baby is the most precious possession you will ever have, and there is absolute no margin for error, none what so ever. Being a mum to three children, I have been in your shoes, feeling anxious handing your baby over to a stranger, and feeling the urgency to want to book a newborn photographer without doing some homework.

Before I became a professional specialist newborn photographer I was shocked to learn that its a profession that is not regulated, meaning anyone can pick up a camera, regardless of experience or background and launch a newborn photography business, meaning you could be handing your baby over to inexperienced and unsafe hands, worrying thought isn't it? This is when I realised it needed to change, I am proud of pouring in over five years of training with over 5 newborn trainers who are very well respected in the industry, and I am only 1 of 2 newborn photographers in South Wales to have successfully completed a Newborn photography safety qualification.

To help you choose the right newborn photographer, here are some questions to ask your Newborn Photographer before booking:

1. How many years have you been working as a professional newborn photographer?

2. How many babies have you photographed up to this point? 3. Have you received any newborn safety posing training and with whom did you train? And was this face to face training? 4. What safety practices do you have in place at your studio for your newborn client? 5. How will you support my newborn in upright positions as well as poses which appear to be suspended? 6. Do you work with an assistant? If not, will you allow me to spot/watch my baby during a session? 7. What will happen in the case of illness? 8. Are you a member of an organization or association directly servicing newborn photographers and their educational needs?

To find out more about my work visit my newborn page

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